JV Kazgermunai LLP became a partner of the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in pair dancers
29 april 2019
On April 27 - 28, in Kyzylorda under the framework of the International Dance Sport Tournament "QYZYLORDA CUP-2019" the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in pair dancers was held. Kazgermunai company was a partner of NGO " Kyzylorda Region Dance Sport Federation" in organizing and conducting this tournament. The Company provided sponsorship for purchase of cups, medals for the winners and for designing the event venue.
Over 800 dance duets from more than twenty cities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan took part in the tournament.
JV Kazgermunai LLP supported holding of the tournament in the Pair dancers section, wishing to assist in the rehabilitation of people with special needs, expressing their respect for them as strong-willed individuals who do not fold their arms but on the contrary inspiring others to a bright life, full of positive emotions.
On behalf of Kazgermunai the congratulations were expressed to pair dancers for their well-deserved participation in the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which it was noted that every day of their life the pair dancers have to demonstrate their character and will in order to prove to the others and to themselves that they are experts in their field. And it deserves respect!