JSC NC "KazMunayGas" Board Chairman's Messages


Achieving 365 Perfect Safety Days – 100% HSE

For years, HSE was seen as a regulatory obligation to meet government requirements.  It was governed by, and managed in reaction to, rules and regulations.  Control and discipline were prevalent.  An incident-free workplace was generally not considered possible, and when it was considered, it was only a vision, at best.

Over time, our safety culture began to change as operational processes and complexity became better understood and a commitment to safety became more personal and individual.   We have experienced a further evolution whereby a stronger focus on cooperation within and among team members began to see themselves as Safety Leaders.  HSE became recognized as “the right thing to do” for two very important reasons (1) It is part of our moral and ethical responsibility to our employees, contractors and the communities, and (2)  It is good for our business as there is no downside to good HSE practices.  Conversely, the cost of poor HSE practices can be devastating to our business.

A Perfect Safety Day is when all KMG employees go home safe to their families at the end of the day: no work-related injuries or illnesses, no accidents and no damage to the environment.  In 2014, the year we started tracking this number, we recorded 90 Perfect Safety Days.  The number increased to 96 the following year, then soared 30% to 125 in 2017.  Already this year, we are achieving them at a pace that will put us near 200 by year end.  While this is remarkable, we have more room for improvement.  The closer we get to 365 perfect safety days each subsequent day will become progressively more difficult to achieve.

For this reason, we are launching our 100% HSE campaign.  In the past, we have set zero incidents as a vision and a goal.  Now, we are setting zero incidents, accidents and spills as an expectation.  This means there are no exceptions for shortcuts, rule breaking or compromise. 

We are serious about 100% HSE as a core value!  It is not a slogan!  We expect and empower our employees and contractors to speak up, intervene and ensure compliance when they see less than 100% HSE.

Sauat Mynbayev
CEO Kazmunaygas


Safety Message of the Chairman of the Board

2018 is nearly over, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank each of you for your dedication, hard work at KazMunaiGas, and also for your commitment to safety ensuring. As the Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Sovereign Wealth Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, I personally observed what prominent results KazMunaiGas achieved in safety in 2018 For the first time ever in the history of the Company, it was possible to achieve the ZERO fatalities at work over a period of 12 months. The number of loss time incidents (for more than one day as a result of work-related injury) has decreased by 35% if compared with 2017 All this demonstrates increase and enhancement of the safety culture in the Company year by year. And I want to thank you all for this.

Unfortunately, however, 2018 is not a year without incidents and accidents - work related incidents still occur. We want each and every employee of the Company and the contractors to always return home from work safe and well! We will continuously work on our goal - to acheve 100% safety. With no exceptions!

Our hard work in health and safety of our employees, contractors and the public is a key factor of the long-term and successful business of NC "KazMunayGas" JSC. We will diligently promote safety culture by attracting, developing, and preserving human resources that share our core values and our commitment to integrity and high operational standards.

The company has a number of safety rules, procedures and standards developed and implemented. Great work has been done, but this is not enough. We must keep our commitment to achieve the culture where the value of safety is introduced at all levels of our team, and is also an integral part of the behavioral culture of everyone who works at KMG facilities. This value must remain unchanged even when you leave the workplace, it must become a part of your personal life forever. Because a safety culture is a set of unwritten rules and standards that establish the way of thinking, attitude and behavior.

Safety commitment starts with management. But the management alone will not be able to ensure the culture to be introduced everywhere.

I expect that each of you, if sees unsafe conditions or action, will talk openly on it, and those whom you address will listen to you, be it a worker who performs a task, or your supervisor, to provide you with proper equipment and training for safe work. This commitment applies to every employee of KMG, including me.

Our goal is to create a culture in which all our employees would feel themselves personally responsible for safety, where not only requirements are followed, but there is an atmosphere where everyone is committed to improve safety.

Establishing a safety culture is a way that does not have a final stop. We should never stop where we are. The reality is that constant progress along this way trains self-discipline and makes us constantly concern on safety, do everything we can to improve it. Let's be the best company in Kazakhstan and in the oil and gas industry. And also aim to further and continuous improvement of safety indicators!

Once again I want to thank you for your dedication, contribution to improving safety performance indicators and increasing the efficiency of NC "Kazmunaygas" JSC activities, and also wish you and your families a safe, healthy and successful New Year of 2019.

A. Aidarbayev
Chairman of the Board of NC "KazMunayGas" JSC

Blog of the Board

Kiyakbayev Ziyash Kaldybekovich
General Director
Ming Haihui
First Deputy General Director

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