Occupational health and safety
In order to realize the established goals of the Partnership, the following activities:
- "Action Plan to improve the employees’ health was developed for the year 2016";
- periodic medical preventive examination of the employees is conducted annually;
- in accordance with the results of the medical examinations final act a spa treatment for employees, as well as sending employees on inpatient and outpatient treatment with further clinical examination at the place of residence are organized;
- seasonal anti plague and influenza vaccination is performed among the employees ;
- program "Healthy Eating" is introduced among the employees;
- promotion of healthy lifestyles among the employees is performed on an ongoing basis;
- certification of workplaces for compliance with labor standards is performed timely;
- facilities have a declaration of industrial safety;
- regular improvement of the technical characteristics of the purchased PPE is performed.
- monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of safety management systems, occupational safety and its revision for improvement are held regularly.
Fire safety
All facilities and residential buildings of the Partnership are equipped with automatic fire alarms, warning and automatic fire extinguishing system. Protection of the Partnership oilfield facilities from fire is carried out by the non-state fire service, that works in shift around the clock.
Each Partnership field has fire stations staffed with fire trucks KAMAZ, equipped with appropriate fire-technical equipment. All personnel of the fire service has special education, work experience and provided with combat clothing and personal protective equipment. On regular basis fire and tactical exercises are conducted for working personnel of the Partnership.