KGM Fire Training

09 november 2018

In order to check how trained are KGM staff in terms of civil defense and emergency» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП cases, as well as the local response team of Professional Militarized Emergency» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП Rescue Service, Semser Ort Sondirushi, KMG Security» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП, and other territorial forces, KGM held a training of oil/gas/water show abandonment at Akshabulak site on November 2.


On November 5, KGM held a fire training at HQ Office. This was attended by» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП medical staff, Interteach, Semser Ort Sondirushi, KMG Security» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП, and KGM voluntary» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП fire unit.


All emergency» и членами добровольного пожарного формирования ТОО «СП response teams have demonstrated adequate interaction. On the whole, the trainings have been accomplished as expected with no remarks. Practical actions covered fire team calls, staff evacuations, first aid in case of fire injuries. KGM staff trained how to use fire extinguishers using special powder.


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Kiyakbayev Ziyash Kaldybekovich
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