Fifth, but gold.

22 july 2014

With the purpose to strengthen partners relationship among oil and gas companies of CIS JV “Kazgermunai” LLP accepted an invitation to participate in tournament on mini-football among teams of power industry enterprises for the prize of Ministry of energy of Russian Federation.

Tournament on mini-football for the prize of Ministry of energy of Russian Federation is devoted to the historical event –intromission of the territory of Crimea peninsula and Sevastopol town to the composition of Russian Federation.
The tournament was conducted on football field №2 of Olympic complex "Luzhniki" during July, 19 and July 20, 2014.
Sixteen commands took part in tournament. During hard and intensive fight of combined team JV “Kazgermunai” LLP took the 5th place and got diplomas and cup of "FAIR PLAY"(for honest game).

Ministry of energy of Russian Federation forwarded a letter of thanks to Karim M.S., General Director of JV “Kazgermunai” and to Mynbaev C.M., the chairman of Board of JSC NC “KazMunaiGas” for participation of team in present tournament.
Tournament on mini-football for the prize of Ministry of energy of Russian Federation is conducted every year.

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