We remember and honour heroic deeds of our fathers

06 may 2014

Within the framework of celebration of the 69-th anniversary as from the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War LLP “JV “Kazgermunai” gave a charitable dinner and concert named “Karttarym – asyl kazyna”. The event was participated by twenty veterans of the Great Patriotic War who listened to the songs of war time in a festal and ceremonial atmosphere and received congratulations from the management of the Company, traditional bouquets of red carnations, souvenirs and gifts of money.
Unfortunately, not all of the veterans could participate in the celebration due to their state of health. That is why the Union of young specialists of the Company took a mission to congratulate all those veterans who had to stay at home during these holidays. Having divided into groups and taken flowers and gifts they went to the addresses received from Kyzylorda city branch of the public association “Organization of veterans of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in order to congratulate old men and express their respect and gratitude for their heroic deeds and contribution to the victory which enabled our fathers, mothers and us to live in a peaceful and safe state.

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