Saiyn Kamalovich Suleimenov – worker of the maintenance and building repair services at the Akshabulak field

Saiyn Kamalovich Suleimenov – worker of the maintenance and building repair services at the Akshabulak field

On November 6, 2023, Saiyn Kamalovich Suleimenov - worker of the maintenance and building repair services at the Akshabulak field was retired due to pension age. S. K. Suleimenov worked in JV Kazgermunai LLP for 23 years, while his total work experience was 42 years.

Saiyn Kamalovich, in 1981 has started his carrier as the technician pipe-man   at the SPMK-19.  Further, he has worked on the position as an expediter driver at the Milk Plant, technician at the CHP plant-6, from 1996 to 2009 has worked on the position as a driver in JV Kazgermunai LLP. From 2009 to 2013 worked on the position as a driver in GP Abzal & Company. In 2013 he was back to work at JV Kazgermunai LLP.

He is been awarded with Certificate of Honor of the 25th Company Anniversary by JV Kazgermunai LLP.

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