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"Kazgermunai" is a winner of III Sports and athletics meeting among the workers of group companies of JSC “EP” “KazMunaiGas” .

26 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Oilmen honour their history

19 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Presentation "National Report 2013" of Association "Kazenergy"

18 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Gift for town schools

There was an opening ceremony of the Sports Grounds in the territory of schools # 7, 235 and 187 in the micro district “Shugula”

10 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Oasis at oilfield

05 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Organization and conduct of exercises and drills on fire safety and people safety at the facilities

Organization and conduct of exercises and drills on fire safety and people safety at the facilities are the highest and most effective form of preparation of any enterprise, its management bodies, executive personnel, employees and salaried workers to the emergency response.

02 september 2014 |  Подробнее

Gift of oil workers to the children of town

31 july 2014 |  Подробнее

Fifth, but gold.

With the purpose to strengthen partners relationship among oil and gas companies of CIS JV “Kazgermunai” LLP

22 july 2014 |  Подробнее

We remember and honour heroic deeds of our fathers

Within the framework of celebration of the 69-th anniversary as from the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War LLP “JV “Kazgermunai” gave a charitable dinner and concert named “Karttarym – asyl kazyna”.

06 may 2014 |  Подробнее

Charitable marathon “Halyktar dostygy birlikte”.

Every year LLP “JV “Kazgermunai” conducts campaigns in support of the socially unprotected strata of the society.

02 may 2014 |  Подробнее

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Blog of the Board

Kiyakbayev Ziyash Kaldybekovich
General Director
Ming Haihui
First Deputy General Director

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