JV Kazgermunai LLP summarized the results of the 2021
05 march 2022
The Reporting meeting of the results, 2021 of the JV Kazgermunai LLP Management Board with the work staff was held in the Aksabulak field sports hall.
Nurzhan Abdirakhmanov, First Deputy General Director presented the report on the Partnership activities for the past year to the employees. In the online format, the Reporting meeting was also attended by Representatives of Shareholders of the Partnership of JSC NC KazMunayGas and JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources.
He started the report with an accident analysis, industrial injuries and occupational diseases. In the 12 months of 2021, the Company has not registered a single accident or production injury. Kazgermunai has kept a zero numbers of injury for three years, with indicates the responsible approach of the management and personnel of the Partnership to the issues of occupation and safety compliance. During the Reporting period, the number of medical evacuations decreased compared to 2019, as well as a 15% decrease in the numbers of case of respiratory infections ARD/ARI and 20% decrease of CVI. N. Abdirakhmaniv referred to the high rate of vaccination and revaccination of the personnel as the main reason for the reduction in case of diagnosed of CVI among the Company’s employees. As of March 1, current year, it was 98% and 47%, respectively.
In the second block presentation, the production indicators of the Partnership, administrative and geological-engineering operation were represented. The Oil Production Plan in 2021 was over-fulfilled by 0.3 thousand tons and amounted to the 1.453.2 thousand tons. Associated gas production also exceeded the plan by 54.1 million m3 and achieved 370.8 million m3. According to such indicators, as follows: the delivery/transfer of commercial dry gas, the LPG production, an ahead of target planned indicators was also recorded. The Collective was presented with detailed report and Partnership plan until 2025 for drilling and put into production new wells. The separately slide of the presentation by the First Deputy General Director was focused on the issue of well workovers of submersible equipment. It is should be noted such an indicator as the run-life period, with has been increasing in the Company since 2017, and achieved 639 days in the past year. This is the highest indicator among the Group of Companies JSC NC KazMunaiGas. The results of Capital Construction in the Partnership for the reporting period were also summed up. In total, 15 objects were put into operation/service. One of the largest and most significant was the BKNS expansion at the Akshabulak field.
Further, Nurzhan Bazarbayevich were raised the financial performance of JV Kazgermunai LLP, after with the employees were presented with Human Resource Management block. This section covered such topics are as follows: labor discipline, filling vacancies, payment of bonuses, staff training, rewarding employees.
The next block of the presentation was the Social block. During the whole year, the Company regularly fulfilled all obligations under the Collective Agreement, together with the Trade Union of employees organized health-resort treatment for 711 employees and summer holidays for their children. Also, the Company Collective was provided with information about the sponsorship activities of Kazgermunai. Clearly, the most significant and important contribution was the assistance to the Kyzylorda Region in the struggle against the spread of CVI, for which KZT 43,000,000 was allocated. These funds were used to purchase refrigerators for storing and transporting vaccines against coronavirus infection and high-flow oxygen therapy devices. The meeting was completed in the question-answer format.